2 3 3 Frequently Asked Questions

The following are common questions people can ask. If you have any question related to the following;

Registering with Locatemedical.com is pretty simple. Log unto locatemedical.com and click on the register link on the top right conner on the page. The registration page will display for you to input you information and then click on submit. Or you can click this link Register fill in your information and click on submit. A message will be sent to the email you provided for authentication

Locatemedical.com make it easier to get in touch with any medical service providers whether you are a registered user or guest, simple by clicking on this search link then Chose the specailty Eg. Dentist and chose State/Town you want, then click on search
Locatemedical.com make it easier to get in touch with any medical service providers whether you are a registered user or guest, simple by clicking on this search link then Chose the specailty Eg. Teaching hospital and chose State/Town you want, then click on search
With Locatemedical.com, you can make comment or send a message to any medical service providers you have visited. By searching for the medical providers, then click on the Rate /message button close to the provider's name, type your message and click on send.

Note: you can only comment if you a registered user

With Locatemedical.com, you can Rate any medical service providers you have visited. By searching for the medical providers, then click on the Rate button close to the provider's name, make your rating

Note: you can only comment if you a registered user

Login as a Service provider there you will see all you comment/ messages and click on the any one you wish to respond, type your comment and click on send

Registering with Locatemedical.com as a medical Service provider is pretty simple. Log unto locatemedical.com and click on the register link on the top right conner on the page. The registration page will display for you to input you information and then click on submit. Or you can click this link Register fill in your information and click on submit. A message will be sent to the email you provided for authentication